Summary of Atlantis’ refit as an auxiliary cruiser: The German navy requisitioned the Hansa line freighter Goldenfels as Hilfskreuzer 16—Auxiliary Cruiser 16. She had been launched in 1937, displaced 7,862 tons, and sported a single stack like many other freighters of the time. During her refit Atlantis was armed with six 5.9-inch guns, two 3-inch guns, two .79-inch cannon, and four torpedo tubes. Atlantis could also lay up to 92 mines. The guns and their rangefinders were taken from the battleship Schlesien. In addition to arming her, the Germans increased the ship's fuel capacity from 1,268 tons to 3,000, water tanks to 1,200 tons, and coal bunkers for her condensers to 1,000 tons. Accommodation was also made for the larger crew, their food stores, and a seaplane.
Link to “The Kaiser’s Pirates.” This documentary covers German commerce raiding during World War One.
Link to “U-Boat Trap: Q-Ships of the Great War.” The Germans were not the only ones to disguise their warships as merchantmen. This short documentary describes what the British did.