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What is Odin and Aesop?

Our three hosts, Tony, Bill, and Kevin release monthly episodes conducting detailed reviews of military books spanning from World War I to the Global War On Terrorism. They'll dive into what happened, why it happened, and how it affects operations today.  

The Boer WarOdin and Aesop
00:00 / 1:58:28

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In 1899, the British went to war with the Boer Republics.  This was when the British Empire was close to its blazing zenith and unquestionably the ranking world power.  Any war against the somewhat backward Boers on a remote border of the empire in southern Africa would surely be quick and decisive.  It did not turn out that way.  As Rudyard Kipling put it, the Boers gave the British “no end of a lesson.”  Thomas Pakenham tells the story in “The Boer War.”

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